Meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous
and Local Community Events
Meetings of Narcotics Anonymous
and Local Community Events
How can I search for NA meetings and events within my locality?
Joining local Narcotics Anonymous events is an excellent way to lay a solid groundwork for your recovery. For those new to sobriety, these meetings are vital for connecting with others who are committed to staying clean. Without a supportive network, you risk becoming isolated and disheartened, which can obscure your goals and increase the likelihood of a painful or fatal relapse.
Much like other 12-step programs, there’s no magic solution for networking and enjoying recovery. The best way to discover fun activities while leading a clean lifestyle is to join NA and put yourself out there. Connect with others, embrace the experience, and try not to let social anxiety get in your way. Growth in recovery often requires us to step outside our comfort zones. When attending a meeting, be attentive for any announcements related to NA. You might hear about exciting group camping trips, sober gatherings, movie nights, or concerts.
We strongly encourage you to participate in as many “newcomers,” “beginners,” and “Young People Groups” (YPG) meetings as you can. As you connect with various groups of sober individuals, you can expect to receive invitations for meals or fun activities following the meetings. Don’t hesitate to introduce yourself and find out if anyone is interested in hanging out afterward.
NA Meeting Locations Throughout Tampa Bay
Narcotics Anonymous, much like AA, has established its own "intergroup" or primary district office at the state and county levels. The journey to sobriety can be especially daunting in the early months, with withdrawal symptoms adding to the struggle. Thankfully, major NA groups provide a 24-hour hotline for anyone feeling overwhelmed or in need of a listening ear. Connect with others and embrace a more fulfilling life.
Below is a list of the distinct intergroup websites associated with Narcotics Anonymous in the Tampa Bay Area.
Hillsborough County Narcotics Anonymous Meetings
Pasco County Narcotics Anonymous
Manatee & Sarasota NA Meetings
Polk County Narcotics Anonymous
Citrus County Narcotics Anonymous
In the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak, NA has embraced digital transformation, offering a multitude of outstanding meetings accessible online.